ROOM HIRE Hammersmith W6

Worship / Yoga / Poetry / Creative Writing for Children amongst others

3 ROOMS TO HIRE - individually or together


THE MEETING HOUSE is being hired by more local groups. Maybe you and your group would like to join them...

ACOUSTICS  -  The Meeting Room has amazing acoustics thanks to its design and use of wood.

BRAND NEW   We are not even 3 years old and have appealing facilities.

VISIT  -  The building is worth a visit even if we say so ourselves - come and see what we mean.

WHAT'S ON  -  We do not yet produce information to publicise the groups that use the Meeting House. We are looking into doing this soon, for those hirers that want it. You can see availability by clicking on a button below.

HIRE CHARGES are listed below with full details available on a button further down.

HIRE CHARGES are fixed and discounts are not available.

PLEASE NOTE: Minimum booking 2 hours / lower price for a block booking (6 or more dates).

FOR MORE INFORMATION keep reading and use the buttons below.

Free wi-fi / kitchen and garden / ventilated throughout - cleaner, fresher air / central heating throughout / underfloor heating in Meeting Room / maximised use of natural light / plenty of wood (sustainably sourced) / low energy design / calm and condusive atmosphere / projectors with speakers / amazing acoustics in the Meeting Room

TABLES AND CHAIRS  -  As well as 5 tables we have up to 48 lovely wooden chairs - these can be used in any combination in any room, provided all is put back as it was!

We hope we can help and look forward to meeting you.

Meeting Room

Meeting Room

Suitable for a large meeting, yoga, worship or any event that needs impressive acoustics and/or a gentle, kind feeling. 
A large, round space with plenty of natural light. It has an oak floor with underfloor heating and wood on all the walls. The acoustics, ventilation and overall design make for a calm and peaceful atmosphere. No food or drink.
80m2 - 10m diameter - capacity for 50 people seated 

PRICE: (minimum 2 hours)
Block (6 or more) £30 / hour
One-off £40 / hour



More suitable for a smaller event like a group meeting or writing class. This room is at the front of the building and has an oak floor, opaqued blinds, tables and chairs. 
The ceiling-mounted projector has speakers, uses an HDMI lead and projects on to a white wall.
34m2 - 4m x 7m
Capacity for 24 people seated 

PRICE: (minimum 2 hours)
Block booking (6 or more) £20 / hour
One-off booking £25 / hour

Children's Room

Children's Room 

Sometimes called The Smaller Meeting Room, this is our most private space. It has tables and chairs as well as access to our rear garden.
Whilst suitable for one-to-one sessions or meetings, this room also has an array of children's toys, available and stored neatly should they be needed.
The ceiling-mounted projector has speakers, uses an HDMI lead and projects on to a white wall. 
30m2 - 3.5m x 6m
Capacity for 20 people seated 

PRICE: (minimum 2 hours)
Block booking (6 or more) £20 / hour
One-off booking £25 / hour

Free wi-fi
Access to a kitchen and garden
Ventilated throughout - cleaner, fresher air
Central Heating throughout
Maximised use of natural light
Plenty of wood (sustainably sourced)
Low energy design

EMAIL if you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit.

REQUEST A HIRE: - email details of your request and we will get back to you as soon as we can - there is more detail about what to include under HIRE GUIDANCE, button below. 

WHOLE BUILDING HIRE: it is possible to hire the whole building - for prices use button below.

TERMS and CONDITIONS: should you hire, we will ask you to sign and abide by these - please read them carefully, available on a button below.

We may ask about the AIMS AND PRINCIPLES of your organisation before we are able to accept you as a hirer. 

We are not taking bookings for children's parties at this time.

TELEPHONE 020 8259 6187

Click on the buttons below for more information...