About this Meeting

Who we are and what to expect

Blossom in the Garden

Our life is love, and peace, and tenderness; and bearing one with another, and forgiving one another, and not laying accusations one against another; but praying one for another, and helping one another up with a tender hand.  

Isaac Penington 1667, Quaker Faith and Practice 10.01


We are a small, active Meeting. Our members and attenders – young and not so young – are from many walks of life.

You will find that we come from diverse, non-Quaker and Quaker backgrounds to find our spiritual home here: in the silence and deepening spirituality that it nurtures and in the friendship of our inclusive community.

Our study and discussion groups explore topics such as the “How to be Hopeful”, “The Parables” and “Humour”. Others have focused on “Walking”, ”Lives and Writings of Early Quakers”, “Eastern Religions” and “Leading More Compassionate Lives”. 

You can get to know us better by clicking on the tab above: “About Us” and explore our 375-year residence in Hammersmith: “Local Quaker History”. 

Meeting for Worship

Everyone is welcome to join us for Meeting for Worship on Sunday mornings at 11am to 12 noon.

Quakers worship largely in silence. There is no set form of service; individuals will stand to speak briefly if they are moved to do so.
Please visit these web pages How Quakers worship and Your first time at Quaker meeting to get a sense of what Quakers Meetings are like.
See the links at the foot of this page under the heading About Quakers for more information about us.